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Medi Study Go

Oral Medicine and Radiology

Oral Medicine and Radiology

Regular price Rs. 999.00
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What's included?

1. Digital - A) Oral Medicine Mindmaps-It comprises of more than 130 mind maps on the app along with multiple choice questions.
B) Oral Radiology notes - This comprises of over 80 topics in Oral Radiology With this, you also get 65 animated videos complimentary covering important topics of Oral medicine and Radiology.
(Digital access for 1 YEAR)

2. Digital + Printed - This consists of 2 volumes of books delivered at your door step along with the digital access for 1 YEAR available on the app.

About the book

Type - Mindmap Book, Volumes - 2, Edition-1, Language- English

Who's it for?

Anyone pursuing BDS. It is a great revision tool for students preparing for entrance exams like NEET because we have covered all NEET points and marked it on the mindmap using a red pin.We also have mutiple choice questions after every mindmap to help you understand what kind of questions are asked in entrance examinations.

Delivery details

Shipping will take 4-7 days. Digital access will be given immediately.

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About the Author
